
Open your eyes to a world of cultures

With a degree in Spanish from Alfred University, 毕业后,您将有能力立即进入广阔的全球市场,并为许多不同的文化做出贡献. 在竞争中获得优势,并从拥有类似学习计划的同龄人中脱颖而出. 我们具有挑战性的项目旨在提供小型, 互动课程,让学生将沟通技巧与文化探索相结合. 在这里,你将成为一个世界旅行家——而不是一个游客.


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY


Spanish (BA)

Double Major

Double Major option(s) offered.
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(前提条件:SPAN 101、102、201、202或同等学历)

Required Courses:

  • SPAN 301 Advanced Conversation and Composition
  • SPAN 311 Peninsular Culture and Literature I
  • SPAN 312 Peninsular Culture and Literature II
  • SPAN 315 Latin American Culture and Literature I
  • SPAN 316 Latin American Culture and Literature II
  • SPAN 360 Literary Theory Seminar

Elective Courses:

  • SPAN 400 Topics in Hispanic Literature
  • SPAN 402现代拉丁美洲文学阅读
  • SPAN 404 Latinos/as in the United States
  • SPAN 450 Independent Study

View general education requirements.


预计西班牙语专业的学生将进行一些独立学习, although not strictly required.

除了满足西班牙语专业的要求外, as well as the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences general education requirements, 你将被要求完成学院的第一年体验计划或转学生计划.

(Prerequisites: SPAN 101, 102, 201, or equivalent)

  • SPAN 301 Advanced Conversation and Composition
  • SPAN 311 Peninsular Culture and Literature I
    or SPAN 312 Peninsular Culture and Literature II
  • SPAN 315 Latin American Culture and Literature I
    or SPAN 316 Latin American Culture and Literature II
  • SPAN 360 Literary Theory Seminar

Choose 4 credit hours from*:

  • LING 120 Introduction to Linguistics
  • SPAN 202 Spanish IV

*Or any of the Elective Courses listed below:

  • SPAN 400 Topics in Hispanic Literature
  • SPAN 402现代拉丁美洲文学阅读
  • SPAN 404 Latinos/as in the United States
  • SPAN 450 Independent Study

Who needs to take the Placement Exam?

  • 在高中学习过两年以上语言的学生,如果打算在非盟学习同样的语言,必须参加考试.
  • 双语或以该语言为母语的学生,或在家中使用该语言的学生.
  • 如果学生以前没有学习过一门语言,或者他们计划在大学学习一门不同的语言,则不需要参加考试.

Exams are given in French, German and Spanish. 成绩只会在考试成绩下的横幅上公布. Students cannot access their own scores.


  • Register with 外语水平测试服务, through Brigham Young University
  • Pay the Fee
  • 与现代语言系主任一起安排考试,他将担任监考老师

Once you have obtained test scores from Banner, 请使用以下注册指引:

  • 你应该从第一学期的课程(101)开始。
  • 你应该在第二学期开始学习语言(102)
  • 你应该在第三学期的课程(201)开始。
  • 完成外语要求的学生可以继续他们的外语学习. 请联系任何教师或现代语言办公室的指导,选择哪个级别是最合适的.
  • 请注意:要考虑成为Phi Beta Kappa的会员,学生必须具备, among other qualifications, 通过200级课程或语言考试成绩达到80%以上,具有中等水平的外语能力.

International Students:


Modern Languages - Online Course Policy


现代语言学部不接受通识教育外语能力(三)的在线学分转换课程。. 现代语言学部对在线课程的立场是基于美国外语教学委员会(ACTFL)所制定的国家语言学习标准。. In exceptional circumstances, 现代语言学系可以选择根据具体情况审查这项政策.

World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages

当你在各个领域寻找工作机会时,掌握一门外语会是一个很大的优势. 而许多语言专业的学生对教学或翻译感兴趣, 其他人则将他们的语言技能应用于国际商务等多种领域, journalism or environmental studies. 在线赌博为学生提供了将现代语言专业或辅修专业与其他学科相结合的灵活性, 或在法语基本熟练的情况下,在其他部门加强专业, German, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Chinese or Spanish.

Recent examples include:

  • Web Developer – Left-click
  • Teacher – Kennedy Bi-Lingual School
  • 项目管理和计划-诺斯罗普·格鲁曼IT公司
  • Proofreader – Intekras, Inc.
  • ESL教师- JET(日语交流与教学)项目
  • Volunteer – Peace Corps
  • 西班牙语教师-康宁画柱中心学校
  • 法语教师/西班牙语教师- Wellsville Central School
  • Marketing Analyst – Control Risk, Inc.
  • Personnel Coordinator – Employment Trends
  • 国际信托公司投资组合经理助理
  • Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom LLP法律助理
  • English Language Instructor – Academie de Lyon

Student Stories

Matt and a friend.

Communication & Global Studies Applied to a Military Career

"Alfred is what you make it. If you want to be adventurous and try new things, 总有人愿意在每个角落分享他们的经历."

Matthew Barnhart, 2017
Find out more about Matthew

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