
心理学 & 沟通
文理学院 & 科学


  • 博士学位:新罕布什尔大学心理学,2004年
  • 硕士:心理学,新罕布什尔大学,2001年
  • 学士学位:心理学,基恩州立学院,1997年
  • :酒精 & 化学依赖,基恩州立大学,1997年


  • PSYC 101 -心理学入门
  • PSYC 118 -成人发展 & 老化
  • PSYC 300 -专题(问题) & 老龄化问题)
  • PSYC 300 -专题(年龄歧视)
  • 心理311 -感觉 & 感知
  • PSYC 332 -认知过程
  • PSYC 371 -死亡心理学 & 死亡
  • PSYC 429 -认知 & 老化
  • PSYC 497 -高级研讨会
  • PSYC 607 -学习 & 认知(研究生)
  • PSYC 677 -暑期教学学院 & 教育学
  • 荣誉-科学 & 超级英雄的心理
  • 荣誉-科学 & 哈利波特的心理学
  • 荣誉- Tricorders, Transporters,和tribles
  • 荣誉-世界统治的初学者指南
  • 荣誉-分析冒险
  • 荣誉-星球大战:神话,魔法和狂热
  • HONORS - Artificial Intelligence: Fears, Fiction, and Future

研究、出版物、 & 演讲

研究 & 出版物

  • 赢,D. D.约翰逊,B. C., & 朝圣者,年代. M. (2017). Creating a Psychological Profile of Successful First-Year Engineering Students. 2017 American Society for Engineering 教育 (ASEE) Conference and Exposition Chicago, IL.
  • 赢,D. (2011). Study Guide to accompany Coon and Mitterer’s 心理学: A Journey (4th Ed). ISBN: 9780840032225.
  • 米勒,我.M.S., & 赢,D. D. (2008). Adult Age Differences in Reading and Rereading Processes Associated with Problem Solving. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 32, 34-45.
  • DeGraff D., & 赢,D.D. (2008). Chapter 12: 科幻体裁的教学用途. The Everyday Fantastic: Essays on Science Fiction and Human Being. 纽卡斯尔,英国:剑桥学者出版社.
  • Stine-Morrow E.A. L.米勒,L. M. S.加涅,D. D., & Hertzog C. (2008). 成年后的自我调节阅读. 心理学与老龄化.
  • 米勒,我. M. S., & 赢,D. D. (2005). The effects of age and control beliefs on reading strategies. 老化, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 12, 129-148.
  • Stine-Morrow E. A. L.加涅,D. D.莫罗,D. G., & 赫尔曼,B. D. (2004). 重读的年龄差异. 记忆与认知,32,696-710.
  • 微笑者,.加涅,D.D.,天莫罗,E. A. L. (2003). 老化 and the effects of memory load on resource allocation during reading: A test of the self-initiation hypothesis. 心理与心理杂志,18 (3):391 - 391.
  • Stine-Morrow E.A.L., & 赢,D.D. (2001). 话语记忆. 在G. M. Mattox (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of 老化: A Comprehensive Resource in Gerontology and Geriatrics (3rd Ed.)纽约:斯普林格出版公司.
  • 约翰逊,B. J.卡罗萨,C., & 赢,D.D. (2017). Revising a portfolio in a human sexuality course based on assessment results. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. 波士顿.
  • 约翰逊,B.加涅,D. D., & 朝圣者,年代. (2015). Profiling the Successful First-Year Engineering Student. 7th Annual First Year Engineering Experience Conference. 弗吉尼亚州.
  • 约翰逊,B., & 赢,D. D. (2015). Portfolios for Use in Sensitive-Topic Courses: Teach First, Ask Questions Later. Poster session presented at the 27th annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS). 纽约,纽约.
  • 少女,R. M.奥克曼,R., & 赢,D. D. (2014) Creative Art Interventions at Community-Based Services: An Intergenerational Approach. Association for Gerontology in Higher 教育's 40th Annual Meeting and 教育al 领导 Conference.
  • 少女,R. M. 赢,D. D. (2013) 老化 in New York: Building Capacity and Empowering Communities. Presented at the annual meeting of the New York State Society on 老化. 纽约州萨拉托加斯普林斯.
  • 约翰逊,B., & 赢,D. D. (2013). From Both Sides of the Desk: Student and 教师 Perspectives on Portfolios as a Learning Experience. Paper presented at the annual conferences for The Society for the Teaching of 心理学 Best Practices Conference. 亚特兰大,乔治亚州.
  • 赢,D. D.,安吉,J., & 索托,J. (2013). 在教室里读科幻小说. Paper presented at the International Conference for Science Fiction: The Interdisciplinary Genre. 安大略省汉密尔顿.
  • 少女,R. M. 赢,D. D.菲利普斯-琼斯,E. (2013). 一个不断奉献的服务学习项目. Conference for the Association of Gerontology in Higher 教育. 圣彼得堡,佛罗里达.
  • 赢,D. D. (2012). 老年学:对老年人的研究? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the New York State Society on 老化. 校方,纽约.
  • 少女,R.M.加涅,D.D., & Phillips-Jones E. (2012). Building a Community Center from the Ground Up: A Service-Learning Project. presented at the annual meeting of the New York State Society on 老化. 校方,纽约.
  • 赢,D. D.M .., & 梅里特,. (2012). 到底什么是“老年学”? 学生不愿变白. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the Eastern Psychological Association. 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡.
  • 赢,D. D. (2012). 老化 in perspective: Introducing a course on 对老年人的歧视 to an undergraduate curriculum. Resource Exchange workshop presented at the annual meeting and 教育al 领导 Conference for the Association of Gerontology in Higher 教育. 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿.
  • Rammler-Young B. & 赢,D. D. (2011). Dr. 谁与死亡教育. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the New England Conference for Teachers of 心理学. 费尔菲尔德CT.
  • 赢,D. D.C .梅里特., & DiGiacinto, M., (2011). 对老年人的歧视, 老化 Knowledge, and Interactions With Older Adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the New England Psychological Association. 费尔菲尔德CT.
  • 赢,D. D. (2009). 大学生到底是怎么看待衰老的? Poster presented at the annual meeting for the Association of Gerontology in Higher 教育. 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州.
  • 赢,D. D. (2008). 认识到年龄歧视,提高认识. Paper presented at the fourth annual Conference on 老化: Are you Ready for the Age Wave? 阿尔弗雷德,纽约.
  • 赢,D. D. (4/18/2008). 充分利用你的记忆. Keynote address presented at the Office for the 老化 Senior Forum.
  • 赢,D. D. (4/28/2008). 充分利用你的记忆. Invited address presented at the Senior Citizen Literary Club Annual Banquet.
  • 赢,D. D. (10/25/2007). 对老年人的歧视. 在Bergren论坛上发表. 在线赌博.
  • 赢,D. D. (3/21/07). 带着悲伤生活. 第一公理会教堂. 威尔斯维尔,纽约.
  • 赢,D.D. (2/13/07). 协助家庭. "Sharing Your Wishes" End-of-Life Decision Making Initiative. 贝尔蒙特,纽约. A program for area clergy members who have expressed an interest and need for training opportunities revolving around support for families and individuals at the end of life.
  • 赢,D.D. (2006). 漫步在记忆的小巷:记忆练习. Paper presented at the Conference on 老化: Holding the Hands of Time: Facing the Challenges of 老化. 阿尔弗雷德,纽约.
  • 米勒,我.M. S, & 赢,D. D. (2006). 成人在阅读解决问题方面的年龄差异. 在认知衰老会议上发表的论文. 亚特兰大,乔治亚州.
  • 赢,D.D. (2005年11月). Invited Discussant/Panelist: The Pros and Cons of Living Forever Astronomicon, Rochester, New York.
  • 赢,D.D. (2005年11月). Invited Discussant/Panelist: This isn’t your species intelligence: Would we recognize an artificial intelligence? 天文学家,罗切斯特,纽约.
  • DeGraff D., & 赢,D.D. (10/2005). 科幻体裁的教学用途. Paper presented at "The Uses of the Science Fiction Genre: An Interdisciplinary Symposium", St. 凯瑟琳家,安大略省,加拿大.
  • DeGraff D. & 赢,D. D. (1/26/2006). 科幻体裁的教学用途. 在线赌博Bergren论坛.


  • Ruth Berger Rubenstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2006, 2008, 2013
  • Joseph Kruson Trust Fund Award for Excellent in Teaching, 2011
  • Gaughan E.父亲,E.阿特拉斯., & 伊万格丽斯塔,N. (2010). Preparing Leaders in the 教育 and Training of the Next Generation of School 心理学 Practitioners. United States Department of 教育, Office of Special 教育 and Rehabilitative Services. 资助:1032000美元. 角色:项目教员

从属关系 & 会员资格

  • 美国心理学会(APA),
  • 二部(心理学教学);
  • 第20处(成人发展 & 老化),
  • 美国退休人员协会(AARP)
  • 心理科学协会,
  • 美国老年学会(GSA)
  • 是,


是什么让一个地方变得伟大? 始终如一的辛勤工作的关怀 & 友好的教职员工/. Every person here is a valued member of a living-learning community, and it really shows.
